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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Spells, Rhyming, Create Your Own Power

Everyone wants spells, pre-written, or written them for them, either way everyone thinks that any spells are workable spells, but that's not the case. Writing a spell is meant to be very close to you, in your own words, and has to come directly from your heart. This is where you create your power for what you have written to be directed and fulfilled, and it can't be done any other way. It might be great to have some one write you a spell or to copy one down from a search you did on the Internet, but the reality is that any spell that you don't write yourself will most likely not work for you the way you expect it to work. The main reason for this is because the person who wrote that spell most likely wrote it for an entirely different reason than what you are trying to use it for. The spell the other person wrote could have also been written with different intentions behind it.
Spells require power and 100% of that power has to be provided by you the person who wants the spell, which means that you have to do the writing yourself. That doesn't mean that all those spells that other people wrote won't help you, because in any case you can use the spell as a base line for what you intend, but you would be required to change some of the sample's spell wording to suit yourself and provide the spell with your own power. The best spells are self written as a whole, which means that you can find a spell like what you are looking for, read it and then completely rewrite the spell in your own words with your own intentions behind it. You can do this as practice until you feel comfortable with how to write a spell.
Remember that spells are from your heart and have your longing and intentions within them so say what you mean. Most people often think when you write a spell it means the spell has to rhyme. Sometimes the words don't have to sound catchy, they just have to have a meaning to you, It's you speaking to the Gods, they understand what you mean even if what you say didn't have a jingle.

 Not all of your spells have to rhyme; yes often most do rhyme, this makes it much easier to remember what you write, but I believe that chants are best for rhyming because you want them to be short and rhythmic.

Rhyming can create problems when you want to write chants or spells because most times you can't figure out what the heck rhymes together! So what do you do? The Internet has wonderful resources for rhyming words and you can also look up words in a rhyming dictionary, I would use caution with rhyming words because if you don't know the meaning of a word that might rhyme with one you already have, then what you write might not speak what you intend, so be sure to know what your words mean when you write.

Remember that writing your own spells should be fun and not thought of as something that is hard to do. We all speak our minds on an every day basis, so remember that when you are writing, that you are just speaking your mind to the ones who guide you, ask them for what you need and thank them for what you receive!
Have a blessed day and have fun writing!!

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