Alright y'all, I haven't posted a thing about my adventures of detoxing my lymphatic system with castor oil and I figured now would be a good time to do an update. It's been just about 2 weeks since I started and I am not going to lie, I haven't been super consistent in doing this every day. I kept it up for the first 4 days and then needed to give my skin a break, because I was getting pretty itchy under my chin and I wasn't sure if I was developing a rash from using it. So I gave myself a day or so break from everyday use.
On day six I went back in and started up the process giving myself an on and off again schedule to see if I had any further reaction to it. It turns out that I think it was just my body getting rid of a fungus I have been pledged with that was just really itchy! (Yea I know, gross right! Well, moving to the desert environment really changed up my skin) Years back I had gotten, and been dealing with, pinea visocolor (an annoying topical fungus that loves hot environments) since just after I moved to new mexico, and nothing I have tried to get rid of it did me any good. I hated it, and with my skin tone, it translated into dark spots in some areas of my skin and light spots in other areas, it was really present on my neck and chest, and only showed its ugly head in the summer months. I had been living with it coming and going for a really long time so I just kinda dealt with it. Knowing that the castor oil was also antifungal I also wondered if it would have any effect on the visacolor. But, I wasn't actually using the castor oil for that purpose.What I really wanted to do was drain my lymphatic ducts in my face and neck. I had learned a while back that the double chins we get, when we think we are growing extra fat on our face, is actually lymphatic congestion. I Was like, Really? I seriously thought my face was just getting fat. lol. So with the wonderful benefits of castor oil and its ability to move fluids around I wanted to see if what I learned about the double chin was in fact true. I'm not all the way through my thirty days yet, but I have noticed a few differences and I plan to share a couple of pictures throughout this post from when I first started to today, 14 days later.
The first change that I noticed was my skin texture. I have been exceptionally dry for a while now as I continue to detox my liver, and I can really feel it in my skin. When massaging the castor oil on my face it was super thick, and it feels like it kinda sits on your skin. I was super worried that it would make my face too oily and maybe even clog up my pores. I hadn't checked to see if castor oil was non-comedogenic and my skin type is usually a combination type, so if I get too much oil on my nose area i'll definitely pop a pimple or two, and I hate those!
The next thought I had when I was applying it on night one (oh yea, I decided that I was going to do this every night before bed) was... damn! I'm gonna get all this oil all over my pillow! I was sure it was just gonna sit all over my skin and smear all over everything while I slept. I actually did my best to sleep totally on my back the first night, because of this, but of course once you're asleep that kinda goes out the window. In the morning I did see some oil on my pillow, but it wasn't like a huge mess so that was a relief! It seems that once you apply the oil to your face, even though it feels like it sits on the skin, it actual absorbs kinda nicely. In the morning I didn't need to wash anything off and my skin felt uniformly moist.The second thing I noticed was a lack of congestion. I always wake up congested, and need to go blow my nose to breathe a little better. However, I just didn't need to go do that and it was noticeable! It was actually pretty freaking awesome!!
By the end of the fourth day after I took my break due to the itchiness, I realised that my penia visocolor was gone. Like it's totally resolved! Not a spot, or mark left! I mean years I had this crap and all it took was a little castor oil for a few days! Are you serious? Well fuck... That's when I realized that the iching was because the fungus was dying, and I decided to go back to using the castor oil more often.
In an effort to keep at it, I failed a bit due to being distracted, tired, and unmotivated to take the extra time to
put it on my face and do the massaging. Hey I'm human... I missed a total of 4 nights.
After 14 days my skin is much more moisturized and there have been NO breakouts! I mean I was sure that it would happen, or I would get at least one, but it turns out castor oil just doesn't do that.
The last thing I noticed is that the double chin seems to be getting smaller... 😲 Seriously? Okay, maybe that little tidbit of information that I ran across might actually be true! Now after losing my mommy parts due to an emergency hysto from stage four endometriosis, I've struggled to keep my weight in check and I go back and forth in my weight. It's a hormone thing and when your body doesn't make hormones, or have the ability to balance them well, that kinda shit happens. But I was for SURE that my double chin was all about the "me packing on some extra weight", not congestion in my face... Nope, it's congestion. Well shit, that's good to know! I think I'll keep this up and get a little more disciplined on remembering to apply it every night.Oh yea, just a heads up when I apply the castor oil, I put it on like its a lotion or moisturizer and spend a little extra time rubbing the areas where the lymph nodes are in a downward motion to stimulate them to release out and down instead of up. I'm not 100% sure I'm doing this correctly as far as the massaging motions, but I do know that when you rub in the downward direction on your neck and behind your ears they do drain a bit better, so I kept up with that.
So go ahead and check my day one to two week update, and let me know what you think. Do you think you want to try this yourself?
If you do, let me know I would love to know your results!