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Monday, July 1, 2024

Getting Ready To Launch Our First Witchy Course!

Hey everyone!

These last few months have been just so busy! In addition to working on the website conversion I have also been keeping a secret and now seems like a good time to chat about it.

So, even though I have been neck deep in the bs of doing this conversion I have managed to set aside some time to work on some course work, and I am rounding the corner on the first course! I have been keeping this to myself for some time now and have been working on this course for a few years on and off, and over the last month I have really been pretty determined to get the course finished and ready to launch. Now I'm not there just yet, but it's pretty close! I have a few more tweaks to make and the marketing side to finish before it becomes available for others to purchase. But, let me tell you all about it! 

Over the last, well most of my life, I have experienced various levels of abuse from many different places which have cause me quite a bit of trauma and bullshit that I had to work through in order to move forward in my life. Once I managed to work through one thing, I found myself wrangling another, or being triggered by some situation that would rock my confidence and make me question myself. After being in therapy for over 10 years and battling myself in the pursuit of self love, acceptance, and forgiveness in order to discover who I am and rebuild myself from the ground up. I decided that I would collect all the tools that I used to help myself along the process of healing and compile them all in one place so that someone else can use them. I'm calling the course:

Chakras: A 7 Week Magical Journal To Unblocking Cleansing & Balancing Your Energy.

Now before I get into the course, I have to set a disclaimer * This course does not replace the need for professional help, and will not treat or diagnose any mental health issues that you may be facing.  (should you need to seek professional help please don't avoid going to get help)* That said, this course is designed to unearth your shadows and is not for the faint of heart, or for the person who is just not ready to face themselves. 

Our shadows are all the aspects that most of us refuse to acknowledge. They are all the traumas, triggers, behaviors, and learn habits that we formed through the life experience we had. These shadows have formed our mindsets, and unconsciously dictate the actions and behaviors that we display in any given situation, and in order to change them we have to do the following:

1. Identify that there is a problem, behavior, trigger, habit, or reaction that affects us.
2. Accept that there is work that needs to be done.
3. Process what caused the issue (gaining a perspective on how it came to be, and how it developed over the years)
4. Identify how it is affecting your life and what patterns have developed.  (Is it serving you or hindering you?)
5. Make a decision to work towards making a change.
6. Take the necessary steps towards change and growth

So in light of my overly thural nature, I created this course using the chakra systems to deep dive into the depths of the various shadow aspects, because it's the perfect system to use to prevent overwhelming the person taking the course. 

Each chakra system corresponds to a different aspect of the self and allows the person who is taking the course the ability to focus on a single aspect of their shadows at a time. The course is designed to give you supportive tools that guide you through identifying the different areas in your life that my be holding you back, hindering your development, or preventing you from being the best you that you can be and serves as a tool for self reflection. This course is also designed so that you can use it  over and over as a tool to process through each of your shadows in order to unblock, cleanse, and heal through your experiences. 

The course is just about ready for launch and I'll post once I have it ready! 

In the mean time I have work to do! I'll see everyone for this month's twilight meet! have a blessed night!

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