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Sunday, August 18, 2024

5 Health Benefits of NAD Supplements for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly common condition characterized by fat accumulation in the liver that occurs in individuals who do not consume excessive alcohol. This condition ranges from benign fat buildup to more severe forms like non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which can progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer if left unmanaged. NAFLD is often linked to obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, making it a critical area of concern in public health.

Recent research suggests that Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) supplements may offer significant benefits for individuals dealing with NAFLD. This blog delves into what NAD is, its roles in the body, and explores the top five benefits of NAD supplements for managing NAFLD, providing a comprehensive view of how these supplements can aid in liver health.

What is NAD?

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is a crucial coenzyme found in every cell of the body. It exists in two forms: NAD+ (oxidized form) and NADH (reduced form). Both forms are involved in key biochemical processes, including energy production, DNA repair, and cellular health maintenance.

NAD plays a pivotal role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy carrier in cells. ATP is essential for numerous cellular functions, including protein synthesis, cell division, and repair. NAD’s role extends beyond energy production, as it is also involved in regulating cellular aging and stress responses.

As we age or face health challenges, NAD levels can decline, potentially contributing to various health issues, including NAFLD. Fortunately, NAD levels can be boosted through supplementation, which may offer therapeutic benefits for managing NAFLD.

1. Enhancing Liver Function

The liver is vital for detoxifying the body, processing nutrients, and breaking down fats. In NAFLD, fat accumulates in liver cells, impairing these functions. This fat buildup can result in reduced ability to metabolize fats and increased risk of liver inflammation and damage.

NAD supplements can enhance liver function by supporting the energy needs of liver cells. NAD is essential for ATP production, which fuels various liver processes, including fat metabolism. Adequate NAD levels help the liver perform its functions more effectively, improving overall liver health.

Research has shown that NAD supplementation can improve mitochondrial function in liver cells. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells, responsible for producing ATP. By enhancing mitochondrial function, NAD supplements help ensure that the liver has the energy required to perform its critical tasks efficiently. This improvement in liver function can lead to a reduction in fat buildup and better overall liver health.

2. Mitigating Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a significant factor in the progression of NAFLD. Persistent inflammation can exacerbate liver damage and increase the risk of developing more severe conditions, such as NASH or cirrhosis.

NAD supplements have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties. NAD assists in activating sirtuins, a group of enzymes that play a role in regulating inflammation and oxidative stress. By boosting NAD levels, these supplements can enhance sirtuin activity, which in turn helps reduce inflammation in the liver.

In addition to activating sirtuins, NAD may support the production of anti-inflammatory molecules. This dual action—enhancing sirtuin activity and supporting anti-inflammatory processes—can contribute to reduced inflammation and improved liver health. Lower inflammation levels can help prevent further liver damage and improve overall liver function.

3. Boosting Fat Metabolism

Efficient fat metabolism is crucial for maintaining liver health and preventing the progression of NAFLD. Fat metabolism involves breaking down and utilizing fats for energy, a process that can be disrupted in individuals with NAFLD, leading to fat accumulation in the liver.

NAD supplements can support fat metabolism by activating enzymes involved in fat processing. Sirtuins, which are influenced by NAD, help regulate fat storage and energy expenditure. By increasing NAD levels, supplements can improve fat breakdown and utilization, reducing fat accumulation in the liver.

Enhanced fat metabolism also supports overall weight management, which is important for managing NAFLD. NAD supplements can help individuals maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of metabolic conditions associated with NAFLD, such as obesity and diabetes.

4. Promoting Cellular Repair

Cells in the liver and throughout the body are subject to damage from oxidative stress, toxins, and normal wear and tear. The liver, due to its role in detoxification, is particularly vulnerable to such damage.

NAD is essential for cellular repair and maintenance, including the repair of damaged DNA. It activates enzymes known as poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs), which play a crucial role in fixing damaged DNA. NAD also supports other repair mechanisms that address cellular damage.

In individuals with NAFLD, NAD supplementation can enhance the repair of liver cells affected by fat buildup and inflammation. By improving DNA repair and other cellular repair processes, NAD supplements can help restore liver cell function and promote overall liver health. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with more advanced stages of NAFLD, where cellular damage may be more pronounced.

5. Enhancing Metabolism

Metabolism encompasses all the chemical processes in the body that maintain life, including the conversion of food into energy. A healthy metabolism is essential for weight management, fat levels, and overall health.

NAD supplements can positively impact overall metabolism by supporting key metabolic pathways related to energy production, fat oxidation, and glucose metabolism. Improved metabolism can aid in weight management and reduce the risk of metabolic disorders associated with NAFLD.

NAD supplementation helps the body utilize nutrients more effectively, supporting overall health and well-being. By boosting metabolism, NAD supplements can contribute to better weight management and a reduced risk of developing conditions linked to NAFLD.

Integrating NAD Supplements into Your Health Routine

If you’re considering NAD supplements for managing NAFLD, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure they are appropriate for your individual needs. Quality supplements from reputable sources should be selected, and recommended dosages followed.

Incorporating NAD supplements into your routine should be complemented by other healthy lifestyle changes. A balanced diet, regular physical activity, and avoidance of excessive alcohol are essential for maintaining liver health. These lifestyle changes can enhance the effectiveness of NAD supplements and contribute to better overall health.

Potential Risks and Considerations

While NAD supplements offer potential benefits, it's important to be aware of potential risks and considerations. Some individuals may experience side effects or interactions with other medications. Consulting with a healthcare provider ensures that NAD supplementation is safe and appropriate for your health conditions.


Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease presents significant challenges, but NAD supplements offer a promising approach to support liver health. By enhancing liver function, reducing inflammation, boosting fat metabolism, supporting cellular repair, and improving overall metabolism, NAD supplements can play a key role in managing NAFLD.

Incorporating NAD supplements into a comprehensive health strategy, alongside lifestyle changes, may provide significant benefits for managing NAFLD. Always seek professional medical advice to tailor a plan that fits your specific health needs and to develop a personalized approach to managing NAFLD effectively.

By taking proactive steps and leveraging the benefits of NAD supplements, you can support your liver health and work towards a healthier, more balanced life.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Getting Ready To Launch Our First Witchy Course!

Hey everyone!

These last few months have been just so busy! In addition to working on the website conversion I have also been keeping a secret and now seems like a good time to chat about it.

So, even though I have been neck deep in the bs of doing this conversion I have managed to set aside some time to work on some course work, and I am rounding the corner on the first course! I have been keeping this to myself for some time now and have been working on this course for a few years on and off, and over the last month I have really been pretty determined to get the course finished and ready to launch. Now I'm not there just yet, but it's pretty close! I have a few more tweaks to make and the marketing side to finish before it becomes available for others to purchase. But, let me tell you all about it! 

Over the last, well most of my life, I have experienced various levels of abuse from many different places which have cause me quite a bit of trauma and bullshit that I had to work through in order to move forward in my life. Once I managed to work through one thing, I found myself wrangling another, or being triggered by some situation that would rock my confidence and make me question myself. After being in therapy for over 10 years and battling myself in the pursuit of self love, acceptance, and forgiveness in order to discover who I am and rebuild myself from the ground up. I decided that I would collect all the tools that I used to help myself along the process of healing and compile them all in one place so that someone else can use them. I'm calling the course:

Chakras: A 7 Week Magical Journal To Unblocking Cleansing & Balancing Your Energy.

Now before I get into the course, I have to set a disclaimer * This course does not replace the need for professional help, and will not treat or diagnose any mental health issues that you may be facing.  (should you need to seek professional help please don't avoid going to get help)* That said, this course is designed to unearth your shadows and is not for the faint of heart, or for the person who is just not ready to face themselves. 

Our shadows are all the aspects that most of us refuse to acknowledge. They are all the traumas, triggers, behaviors, and learn habits that we formed through the life experience we had. These shadows have formed our mindsets, and unconsciously dictate the actions and behaviors that we display in any given situation, and in order to change them we have to do the following:

1. Identify that there is a problem, behavior, trigger, habit, or reaction that affects us.
2. Accept that there is work that needs to be done.
3. Process what caused the issue (gaining a perspective on how it came to be, and how it developed over the years)
4. Identify how it is affecting your life and what patterns have developed.  (Is it serving you or hindering you?)
5. Make a decision to work towards making a change.
6. Take the necessary steps towards change and growth

So in light of my overly thural nature, I created this course using the chakra systems to deep dive into the depths of the various shadow aspects, because it's the perfect system to use to prevent overwhelming the person taking the course. 

Each chakra system corresponds to a different aspect of the self and allows the person who is taking the course the ability to focus on a single aspect of their shadows at a time. The course is designed to give you supportive tools that guide you through identifying the different areas in your life that my be holding you back, hindering your development, or preventing you from being the best you that you can be and serves as a tool for self reflection. This course is also designed so that you can use it  over and over as a tool to process through each of your shadows in order to unblock, cleanse, and heal through your experiences. 

The course is just about ready for launch and I'll post once I have it ready! 

In the mean time I have work to do! I'll see everyone for this month's twilight meet! have a blessed night!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Update: Details and Progress

 Hey everyone!

I hope everyone has been having a great few weeks! It's been a minute since I last blogged, my apologies, but there have been some major changes that i'm about to let out of the bag! 

So, I've been working to try and figure out how to move forward with my business after closing my store front so I could become more of an online web based store, and in the last few months I have encountered a few setbacks that really irritated me and prevented me from gaining traction where I needed it. I encountered some unforgiving fees and upkeep costs that I wasn't actually informed about when I decided to go with the previous site and payment processor. They were taking large amounts of money from me, because I wasn't "selling" the required amount to avoid the fees and it was just not serving my business.

After some arguments, misunderstandings, and realizations about the whole process, I realized using that processor no longer serves my goals. Canceling with them meant that I would have to shut everything down and convert to an entirely new platform and payment processor. The thought of doing this was super daunting because of everything that I had already built, and starting over from scratch was something I wasn't super happy about. So after reviewing my options I decided that it wasn't worth the headache where I was and split for a more affordable and honest option.

I have selected a new platform to rebuild and have been face deep in website design, product making, and configuring all my marketing avenues so that everything runs smoothly for everyone. This process took me quite a bit of time to finish, and I'm still working on some elements. Over the last couple of days I have finally finalized the setup and the creation of the new website, and will be taking down the old website here in the next few days. As of right now the new web address isn't going to change very much and can be access via --->  

The new website will no longer feature the herb store as the main feature in order to make room for our company mission. However, I will still be selling bulk herbs to those who wish to buy from me. On the new website click "shop herbs" and you will be redirected to our bulk herbs store!  

I have updated our socials with the website switch now that it is built, but I am still working on various things. As I continue to work on the site, you will see new updates as I go along. Creating a web-based business is not an easy process and involves a whole bunch of tech that can get a little overwhelming. I can not tell you how many hours I have spent working back and forth with companies to figure out the process and tweek the stuff that would not work correctly, but I'm super happy with the end result so it was worth it!

In addition to the new website we will be rebranding our colors, logo, and social media groups so that everything under the Green Witches Corner is branded and cohesive. I am also trying to figure out how to combine all the groups back under the main group so that there isn't any more division or confusion when it comes to our company. If you have any suggestions on how I can do that with Facebook that would be fabulous!!!

 As things progress I will be developing a community that is off of the Facebook platform that will serve as the foundational community group, but the details on that are TBD. I will send out an invite link once I have more information.

The GWC will also be converting our main products over to courses, workshops, and ebooks to better suit the community learning environment. The courses, workshops, and e-books cover three distinct categories to support learning, practice, and growth. 

  • Witchcraft Education Series: This section is dedicated to providing a wide range of products and courses designed to deepen your understanding of practice of witchcraft, shadow work, and towards developing your personal practice. 
  • DIY Wellness Series: This section is dedicated to offering a diverse range of courses designed to help you learn how to craft up your own products at home. From homemade skincare recipes, to herbal extractions, this series provides you with the knowledge and tools to make your own remedies at home. 
  • Business Education Series: This section houses a variety of products and courses tailored to help you build, manage, and grow your business. After all this work building websites and developing courses and products it's only fair that I show you how to do it too! Be your own boss and let me show you how! I want to mention that the business section will also co-link to our business profile Do The Digi Thing so you can also have access to the courses that are developed and hosted on that platform. 

I wanted to cover topics that I enjoy in order to help someone else, and even though I have struggled in many things and changed the way I do things, what I have to offer is still valuable. These three aspects of my life have always been a strong part of who I am. So, I plan to deep dive into what I know, what I have learned, and where I have learned it in order to put together some valuable resources that can help you learn more along your path. 

You will see all these updates, new courses, and changes over time as I am only one human doing all the work.

My mission and vision are big, and I hope that I can help where it's needed, and bring together a strong community of people who want to help each other and grow together. Until my next post... I'm gonna get back to work!

Monday, May 13, 2024

My 30 Day Lymphatic Detox Using Castor Oil

 Alright y'all, I haven't posted a thing about my adventures of detoxing my lymphatic system with castor oil and I figured now would be a good time to do an update. It's been just about 2 weeks since I started and I am not going to lie, I haven't been super consistent in doing this every day. I kept it up for the first 4 days and then needed to give my skin a break, because I was getting pretty itchy under my chin and I wasn't sure if I was developing a rash from using it. So I gave myself a day or so break from everyday use. 

On day six I went back in and started up the process giving myself an on and off again schedule to see if I had any further reaction to it. It turns out that I think it was just my body getting rid of a fungus I have been pledged with that was just really itchy! (Yea I know, gross right! Well, moving to the desert environment really changed up my skin) Years back I had gotten, and been dealing with, pinea visocolor (an annoying topical fungus that loves hot environments) since just after I moved to new mexico, and nothing I have tried to get rid of it did me any good. I hated it, and with my skin tone, it translated into dark spots in some areas of my skin and light spots in other areas, it was really present on my neck and chest, and only showed its ugly head in the summer months. I had been living with it coming and going for a really long time so I just kinda dealt with it. Knowing that the castor oil was also antifungal I also wondered if it would have any effect on the visacolor. But, I wasn't actually using the castor oil for that purpose. 

What I really wanted to do was drain my lymphatic ducts in my face and neck. I had learned a while back that the double chins we get, when we think we are growing extra fat on our face, is actually lymphatic congestion. I Was like, Really? I seriously thought my face was just getting fat. lol. So with the wonderful benefits of castor oil and its ability to move fluids around I wanted to see if what I learned about the double chin was in fact true. I'm not all the way through my thirty days yet, but I have noticed a few differences and I plan to share a couple of pictures throughout this post from when I first started to today, 14 days later. 

The first change that I noticed was my skin texture. I have been exceptionally dry for a while now as I continue to detox my liver, and I can really feel it in my skin. When massaging the castor oil on my face it was super thick, and it feels like it kinda sits on your skin. I was super worried that it would make my face too oily and maybe even clog up my pores. I hadn't checked to see if castor oil was non-comedogenic and my skin type is usually a combination type, so if I get too much oil on my nose area i'll definitely pop a pimple or two, and I hate those! 

The next thought I had when I was applying it on night one (oh yea, I decided that I was going to do this every night before bed) was... damn! I'm gonna get all this oil all over my pillow! I was sure it was just gonna sit all over my skin and smear all over everything while I slept. I actually did my best to sleep totally on my back the first night, because of this, but of course once you're asleep that kinda goes out the window. In the morning I did see some oil on my pillow, but it wasn't like a huge mess so that was a relief! It seems that once you apply the oil to your face, even though it feels like it sits on the skin, it actual absorbs kinda nicely. In the morning I didn't need to wash anything off and my skin felt uniformly moist. 

The second thing I noticed was a lack of congestion. I always wake up congested, and need to go blow my nose to breathe a little better. However, I just didn't need to go do that and it was noticeable! It was actually pretty freaking awesome!! 

By the end of the fourth day after I took my break due to the itchiness, I realised that my penia visocolor was gone. Like it's totally resolved! Not a spot, or mark left! I mean years I had this crap and all it took was a little castor oil for a few days! Are you serious? Well fuck... That's when I realized that the iching was because the fungus was dying, and I decided to go back to using the castor oil more often. 

In an effort to keep at it, I failed a bit due to being distracted, tired, and unmotivated to take the extra time to
put it on my face and do the massaging. Hey I'm human... I missed a total of 4 nights. 

After 14 days my skin is much more moisturized and there have been NO breakouts! I mean I was sure that it would happen, or I would get at least one, but it turns out castor oil just doesn't do that. 

The last thing I noticed is that the double chin seems to be getting smaller... 😲 Seriously? Okay, maybe that little tidbit of information that I ran across might actually be true! Now after losing my mommy parts due to an emergency hysto from stage four endometriosis, I've struggled to keep my weight in check and I go back and forth in my weight. It's a hormone thing and when your body doesn't make hormones, or have the ability to balance them well, that kinda shit happens. But I was for SURE that my double chin was all about the "me packing on some extra weight", not congestion in my face... Nope, it's congestion. Well shit, that's good to know! I think I'll keep this up and get a little more disciplined on remembering to apply it every night.

Oh yea, just a heads up when I apply the castor oil, I put it on like its a lotion or moisturizer and spend a little extra time rubbing the areas where the lymph nodes are in a downward motion to stimulate them to release out and down instead of up. I'm not 100% sure I'm doing this correctly as far as the massaging motions, but I do know that when you rub in the downward direction on your neck and behind your ears they do drain a bit better, so I kept up with that.  

So go ahead and check my day one to two week update, and let me know what you think. Do you think you want to try this yourself? 

If you do, let me know I would love to know your results!

Why I Decided to Rebrand My Business

 Hi everyone!

I am sure that you are beginning to notice that I have started to make some changes in my business and I wanted to give you some insight as to why I have begun to do this. Now I've been on facebook for a really long time and I have struggled to figure out what it is I really want to do with my business. I have a lot of skills, talents, and interests; and if you have followed me for a long time you will know that I haven't really be able to define what it is that I really want to do, or what it is that I stand for. 

I started the Green Witches Corner over 10 years ago on facebook as a place where I could essentially share what I like to do, and it eventually became so much more! As the group began to grow and members started to flow in I was super overwhelmed with what I should be doing. I enlisted the help of others and fumbled my way through the process. At the same time I was also going to school and trying to work for myself to try and create an income for my family. I was doing pop up markets, selling the things that I would make, learning about my interest, and raising my children. This grew into trying my hand in the brick and mortar style business, and I opened a storefront and then failed at it three different times.

Now I'll be the first to tell you that I did not have a clue what I was doing, I just knew that I liked to be creative, work for myself, connect with others, and learn. As a mom of three this wasn't exactly the easiest; and my life came with its own set of challenges that I don't really share, but none the less I did my best to create, give, and provide where I could in my life. 

Back in 2021 after I had a major life change I decided to give the business thing a try one more time. I had spent quite a bit of time in school learning about plant based medicine and alternative health in school, and after the local community lost one of our best health food stores I thought I would try and fill the void in the community with an herb store. Now being a witch, and someone who really liked to learn about plants and the magic they carry I thought that I could manage a storefront like an herb store. Failing at all my other business ventures and learning from those gave me an idea of what not to do. So I connected with the local business development center to learn about all the stuff I didn't know so that I wouldn't fail a fourth time. 

I spent hours and days researching, and defining what I thought I wanted to provide. I crafted spells to define what I needed, and even directed all aspects of what I was looking for so that I could give my intentions a little energy and direct my focus towards my goals. Then I went for it. I thought I planned everything out perfectly. I had a budget, an idea, and a direction. I was crafty enough to make whatever I wanted, and I did have a little help along the way. As things came together the store really took off, and it looked like it was filling the missing void in the community, but things can change in a heartbeat.

Between my own personal flaws, my insecurities, and some outside influences that I had no control over I started to notice a decline in my business that ultimately had me closing my doors just a short 3 years later. I had a lot of feelings about closing my doors, and at first I thought that I would just take everything home and just have an online store where I could just deliver orders to those who ordered. But the time away from the store gave me time to think about what I did and didn't like about having a store. It also helped me define where my weaknesses are.

Yea I'm creative, and yea I know a lot of things, but I just wasn't sure I liked being stuck in a store all day. I sucked at inventory and I didn't have the funds needed to employ anyone to do it for me. If I could have built a business model where I employed people or even understood how that and other things worked, then maybe the store would have been a bit more successful. The reality of the situation was that I just had so many ideas of what I wanted to do while I was there, and not enough courage to create and follow through on a lot of them. I gave myself excuses that limited my growth, and damaged my credibility. 

That brings us to the rebranding... 

Why am I doing it? Well for starters, the online presence that the Green Witches Corner has, that was built over that last decade hasn't really faltered. The goals and values I have for the groups have remained the same over the years, and I think using the name for my herb business just really confused my market. After closing down the shop I ran across a few pieces of information that changed my perspective on what I'm doing, and taught me how to redefine and identify my passions

The Green Witches Corner as an organization has always stood for a few things and they are 

1. Community & Connection

2. Learning & Sharing

3. Respect & Understanding

4. Spiritual Growth & Appreciation

5. Freedom of spiritual self expression

As the groups under the organization have grown over the years, my focus on them became distracted by the desire to work for myself, and an inability to understand my passions. I just needed a little nudge to get my focus back in the right direction, so I could redefine what I really want to stand for. So, I'm uncovering my eyes, pulling back the veil, and stepping back into, and coming out into the open with what I have a lot of passion for. 

The green witches corner for the last 9 of the 13 years it's been around, has been the cornerstone for supporting the versatility in practice, and spirituality, with respect between cultures, traditions, and practice. I stand on the fact that what you believe in and what you do are not the same, and what you believe and what you do don't have to be the same either. Spirituality is a very personal thing and so are the practices you hold.

My thoughts behind this are simple, who are you to tell someone else what to believe or what to do? 

Why can't we all gather together as a collective and share what we know with the intention of helping others grow and understand the various perspectives between practices, faith systems, and cultures? There should be no need to ostracize one over the other, because it defeats the purpose of developing a personal spiritual path with practices that divinely connect to you.

So with a huge passion for unity, community, and respect for everyone, I plan to refocus my passions back on building a long standing space where witches, pagans, spiritual, and like minded others can connect, share, develop, and learn from one another without feeling rejected, ostracized, or corrected along their path. Because the last time I checked, the foundations for believing in something, or practicing magic, didn't come from one source. It's universal and foundational, and it's time we get over the power trip, because you don't have to believe or practice by a specific culture, tradition, or pantheon to build and form a personal connection with source along a practical path that aligns with who you are as a person.

Going forward the Green Witches Corner has developed and finalized our mission and vision for the organization and I will stand by creating a safe environment where you can be you!

Company Mission Statement

Creating a vibrant haven where individuals of diverse spiritual paths can explore, learn, grow, support, gather, and celebrate their unique journeys through a harmonious environment that celebrates nature's rhythms, and fosters profound connections.

Company Vision Statement

Aspiring to cultivate a global community where cultures, spirituality, and practices are celebrated and honored, fostering mutual understanding and interconnectedness among all peoples through classes, community, and collaborative initiatives.

So, with all that in mind... Here's to a new beginning! I hope you tag along!

Be blessed & be you!

That's all that matters ❤

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Lymphatic Detox: 30 Day Topical Detox With Castor Oil

After a long week, I have been feeling a bit stressed, congested, and have been rethinking my adventure into liver detoxing through the clinic that I am going to each month. I think I might take some time to look more into the science behind what they use, because my body; even though they told me shit always get worse before it gets better, isn't reacting like I had hoped. It's actually much the opposite, and well, I am just not sure as of yet. I'm only two treatments in, so...

With that in mind I have been thinking about castor oil and its detoxifying benefits. I have been told by a local Naturopath and read that there are some super awesome benefits of using it to help break up stagnation and accumulation to increase circulation and flow in the body. So, I have decided that I am going to take the next 30 days and focus on using castor oil on my head and neck, focusing on the lymph nodes, third eye, and sinus areas with the intention of detoxing, decongesting, and circulating my lymph fluid in order to detox this area of my body. I'm aware that I should probably use this on other areas of my body, like my liver, but I just want to focus on an area that I can notice a sense of change from. An organ like the liver is quite deep, complex, and takes much more time than 30 days. I am also working with a clinic to detox my liver, so I don't want to double up on my liver and cause more harm than good.

I'll do my best to write about my experience and let everyone know how it's going, and maybe add some pictures. I'm not sure I'll see anything super noticeable via photos, but my intention is to detox below the surface so I'll do my best to describe any changes that I experience over the next 30 days. In the meantime I put together some information below on castor oil, how it works, and the benefits of using it to help others understand the complexities of how awesome this oil really is. So, let me start by saying that in the vast landscape of natural remedies very few substances wield the transformative power of castor oil.

What is Castor oil?

Castor oil, derived from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant, has a history dating back thousands of years. Known for its potent medicinal properties and various applications, castor oil has been used by ancient civilizations and continues to be used today for its myriad health benefits.

Historical Use

Castor oil's origins trace back to ancient civilizations, where it held a prominent place in traditional healing practices and cultural rituals. In ancient Egypt, castor oil was revered for its medicinal properties and revered as a sacred substance with mystical powers. It was also used in embalming rituals to preserve the bodies of the deceased to ensure safe passage into the afterlife.

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, castor oil called "eranda tailam" was used as a potent elixir for promoting health and vitality. Rooted in the holistic principles of balance and harmony, Ayurvedic medicine views castor oil as a sacred substance endowed with exceptional healing properties, capable of nurturing the body, mind, and spirit.

Central to Ayurvedic philosophy is the concept of detoxification, or "panchakarma," which aims to rid the body of accumulated toxins and impurities that disrupt its natural equilibrium, and Castor oil has played a pivotal role in this cleansing process. Used for its ability to purge the system of waste and restore optimal function to the body's organs and systems.

In Renaissance Europe, castor oil experienced a revival of interest as scholars and physicians rediscovered its therapeutic benefits. In the skilled hands of apothecaries and pharmacists, castor oil was transformed into a panacea for the ailments of the day. It served as the foundation for healing potions, meticulously crafted to address specific health concerns and promote wellness. These potions were concocted with precision and care, blending castor oil with other botanical extracts and herbal remedies to create powerful elixirs for the body and soul.

Liniments and ointments infused with castor oil became sought-after remedies for a wide range of afflictions, from minor injuries and skin irritations to more serious conditions such as rheumatism and gout. Applied topically, these preparations provided soothing relief and accelerated healing, earning praise from patients and practitioners alike.

As word of castor oil's efficacy spread, it became a staple in the medical arsenal of Renaissance physicians, who prescribed it with confidence and reverence. Guided by the principles of humoral theory and empirical observation, these learned healers recognized the value of castor oil as a gentle yet potent remedy for restoring health and vitality.

Today, castor oil continues to captivate the imagination and inspire awe with its remarkable healing properties and diverse applications. In Ayurvedic practice today, castor oil is most often employed for its profound effects on digestive health, immune-boosting properties, and therapeutic uses. As a gentle yet effective laxative, it stimulates bowel movements and relieves constipation, promoting regularity and optimal gastrointestinal function. Its cleansing action extends beyond the digestive tract, reaching deep into the tissues to remove stagnant energy and toxins that impede the body's natural healing processes. Castor oil also supports the body's defenses against illness and disease. By enhancing immune function, it helps to fortify the body's resilience and vitality, safeguarding against external pathogens and internal imbalances.

From skincare and haircare to digestive health and pain relief, castor oil can be found in an array of products, including soaps, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and natural remedies. Its versatility and efficacy make it a cherished ally in the pursuit of health, beauty, and well-being for people around the world.

Magical Uses and Folklore

In the mystical realm of folk medicine, castor oil is not merely a physical remedy but used for spiritual transformation and mystical experiences. Its rich symbolism and association with abundance and vitality make it a favored ingredient in spells and incantations aimed at attracting prosperity and success.

In ancient traditions, castor oil was applied to talismans, charms, and amulets to imbue them with protective energies and ward off evil spirits. Believed to possess potent protective properties, castor oil served as a shield against malevolent forces and negative energies, ensuring the safety and well-being of its wearer. Often also ingested as a potion to invoke its mystical powers and unlock hidden potentials within the individual. Ingested with intention and reverence, it was believed to activate dormant energies and awaken the spirit to new possibilities, guiding the seeker on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

In rituals aimed at promoting fertility and abundance, castor oil was used to anoint sacred objects, bless fertility rites, and invoke the blessings of fertility deities. Its nurturing and life-giving properties symbolized the fertile soil from which new life springs forth, making it a powerful ally in rituals aimed at conceiving new life and nurturing the seeds of abundance.

The Science Behind Castor Oil's Magic

Central to the effectiveness of castor oil is its abundant fatty acid composition, with ricinoleic acid as its standout component. Making up to 90% of castor oil's fatty acid content, ricinoleic acid boasts distinctive qualities that distinguish it from other fatty acids. Notably, its hydroxyl group (-OH) positioned at the 12th carbon position sets it apart, a feature unique among unsaturated fatty acids. This hydroxyl group is pivotal for ricinoleic acid's exceptional anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial characteristics. Research indicates that ricinoleic acid curbs the production of prostaglandins, lipid compounds central to the inflammatory process. By impeding the synthesis of these inflammatory agents, ricinoleic acid aids in diminishing inflammation and mitigating discomfort. Moreover, its potent antimicrobial properties combat a broad spectrum of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, by disrupting their cell membranes, rendering it a potent natural remedy for infections and fostering wound healing.

Additionally, ricinoleic acid influences cellular signaling pathways by engaging with specific receptors in the body, such as the EP3 prostaglandin receptor and the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptor. This distinctive molecular structure enables castor oil to permeate deeply into the skin and tissues, modulating various physiological processes, encompassing pain perception, inflammation, and immune function.

When applied topically, castor oil's emollient texture forms a shielding layer on the skin, averting moisture loss and enhancing hydration. This enables castor oil to deliver essential nutrients and moisture precisely where they are needed most, leading to noticeable enhancements in skin texture and appearance.

However, one of the most intriguing attributes of castor oil lies in its capability to prompt lymphatic flow and encourage detoxification. The lymphatic system, often dubbed the body's drainage system, plays a critical role in immune function and waste elimination. Any sluggishness or congestion in this system can precipitate a myriad of health complications.

Which brings me to the point of why I have decided to use castor oil on my face, neck, and upper lymph system over the next 30 days. Over the last month my body seems to be holding on to stuff that it just doesn't need, for whatever reason. I wake up quite congested, and my head kinda feels bloated. So, before I start blogging on my experience using this to detox, I wanted to dive a bit deeper into how the lymphatic system works in the body and just how castor oil acts on it so you can get an understanding the why behind my decision to try this out, and record my process.

Learning The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system, or the body's secondary circulatory system, plays an important role in maintaining the body's overall health and well-being. The lymphatic system serves as a critical component of the body's immune defense, waste removal, and fluid balance mechanisms.

Anatomy of the Lymphatic System:

At its core, the lymphatic system consists of a network of vessels, nodes, and organs that work
together to transport lymph, a clear fluid containing white blood cells, proteins, and waste products, throughout the body. Lymphatic vessels are parallel to the blood vessels and are found in close proximity to most tissues and organs.

Lymph nodes, are small bean-shaped like structures scattered along the lymphatic vessels and serve as filtration stations where lymph fluids are purified, and immune cells are activated to defend against pathogens and foreign invaders that enter the body.

Some of the organs in the lymphatic system include the spleen; which filters the blood in the body by removing old cells and holds a blood reserve for the body. The thymus, which trains T-cells formed by the bone marrow to help the body's immune system defend against pathogens and disease. The thymus also produces and releases hormones, and the tonsils, which trap bacteria and germs while producing antibodies to kill said germs or bacteria.

Functions of the Lymphatic System:

The primary functions of the lymphatic system are threefold: immune defense, waste removal, and fluid balance.

  1. Immune Defense: The lymphatic system acts as the body's first line of defense against infection and disease. Lymphatic vessels transport immune cells, such as lymphocytes and macrophages, to areas of infection or inflammation, where they identify and neutralize pathogens, toxins, and other harmful substances.

  2. Waste Removal: In addition to its immune functions, the lymphatic system plays a crucial role in waste removal and detoxification. Lymphatic vessels collect excess fluid, cellular debris, and metabolic waste products from tissues and organs, transporting them to lymph nodes for filtration and elimination from the body.

  3. Fluid Balance: Maintaining fluid balance is essential for optimal health and proper functioning of the body's systems. The lymphatic system helps regulate fluid balance by returning excess fluid and proteins that leak out of blood vessels back into circulation, preventing swelling and edema.

Importance of Lymphatic Drainage

Proper lymphatic drainage is essential for maintaining the health and function of the lymphatic system. When lymphatic drainage becomes impaired or compromised, it can lead to lymphatic congestion, inflammation, and a variety of health issues.

Factors such as sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary habits, stress, surgery, injury, and certain medical conditions can all contribute to lymphatic congestion and dysfunction. Symptoms of lymphatic congestion may include swelling, fluid retention, inflammation, fatigue, and compromised immune function.

How Castor Oil Supports Lymphatic Drainage

Castor oil's therapeutic advantages are significantly bolstered by its capacity to bolster lymphatic drainage, a pivotal component of its healing prowess. When administered topically, castor oil delves deep into the skin and underlying tissues, exerting its influence on the lymphatic system through various means. Initially, it jumpstarts circulation, facilitating the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to tissues while aiding in the elimination of metabolic waste products. Additionally, castor oil fosters the flow of lymph by effectively clearing blockages, minimizing swelling, and assisting in the expulsion of toxins and waste from the body.

The emollient nature of castor oil also contributes to its effectiveness by softening and moisturizing tissues, easing the movement of lymphatic fluid, and aiding in the dispersal of congestion within the lymphatic network. Castor oil's anti-inflammatory characteristics play a pivotal role in fortifying lymphatic function and bolstering the body's innate healing processes. By diminishing inflammation within the lymphatic system, which helps with discomfort and advanced overall health.

Incorporating Castor Oil into Your Detoxification Routine

Here are some of the ways that you can integrate castor oil into your day to day life to get the benefits of detoxification that castor oil has to offer. 

  1. Topical Application: Directly apply castor oil onto the skin and gently massage to encourage lymphatic drainage and detoxification.

  2. Incorporate into Massage Therapy: Enhance lymphatic drainage and promote detoxification during massage therapy sessions by adding castor oil to massage oils or lotions.

  3. Internal Use: Support digestive health and stimulate bowel movements by orally ingesting small amounts of castor oil, facilitating the elimination of toxins from the body.

Castor Oil Packs

In addition to the different ways you can apply castor oil mentioned above one of the most often suggested topical applications that I have ran across is the use of Castor packs. The concept behind castor oil packs is based on the principle of transdermal absorption, which refers to the ability of substances to penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. When castor oil is applied topically to the skin and covered with a warm compress. The heat of the compress helps to dilate blood vessels and increase circulation to the affected area, enhancing the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to tissues and promoting healing. This dual action of transdermal absorption and increased circulation makes castor oil packs a potent tool for supporting detoxification, reducing inflammation, and relieving pain.

Making  Your Own Castor Oil Pack

Making your own castor pack can be a little messy depending on where you plan to use the pack.

In the past I have used castor oil packs over my liver to try and decongest what I got going on, and realized through trial and error that you really need to consider the location on your body that you plan to use this on before jumping into pouring castor oil on a towel, cloth, or paper towel. I say this because if you don't pay close attention to the castor pack, the castor oil once heated will become a bit more runny than in it's cold state and the opportunity for the pack to leak is pretty high, and you can't get the benefit of the castor oil if the oil doesn't make contact with the skin. My advice is to pay attention to how much you pour on your cloth and ensure that you wrap the area with enough plastic to ensure you catch any possible overflow. 

Here is what you will need to craft up and use your own castor oil pack. 

  1. Castor Oil: Choose a high-quality, cold-pressed castor oil that is free from additives or preservatives. Organic castor oil is often preferred for its purity and potency.
  2. Piece of Cloth: Select a soft, absorbent cloth such as flannel or cotton that is large enough to cover the area you wish to treat. Cut the cloth into a size that will comfortably cover the targeted area, such as the abdomen or joints.
  3. Plastic Wrap or Sheet: To prevent the castor oil from staining clothing or bedding, cover the cloth with a layer of plastic wrap or a plastic sheet.
  4. Hot Water Bottle or Heating Pad: Heat helps to increase the absorption of castor oil and enhance its therapeutic effects. Use a hot water bottle or heating pad to apply gentle warmth to the castor oil pack.
  5. Essential Oils (Optional): For added benefits, consider incorporating essential oils such as lavender or eucalyptus, which have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

After you gather up everything you need to make the castor oil pack here is what you will need to do to use it. You can use the packs just about anywhere on the body that could use some detoxification, but be sure to avoid its use if you have any allergic reaction to the oil. 

  1. Prepare the Cloth: Lay the piece of cloth flat on a clean surface and saturate it with castor oil. Be generous with the amount of castor oil used, ensuring that the entire cloth is thoroughly coated.
  2. Apply the Pack: Place the castor oil-saturated cloth directly onto the skin over the targeted area. If desired, cover the cloth with a layer of plastic wrap or a plastic sheet to prevent staining.
  3. Apply Heat: Place a hot water bottle or heating pad over the castor oil pack to apply gentle warmth. Allow the pack to remain in place for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on personal preference and the specific condition being treated.
  4. Relax and Recline: While the pack is in place, take the opportunity to relax and recline in a comfortable position. This allows the castor oil to penetrate deeply into the skin and tissues, maximizing its therapeutic benefits.
  5. Remove the Pack: After the designated time has elapsed, carefully remove the castor oil pack and gently massage any excess oil into the skin. Store the pack in a sealed container for future use, or discard it if it becomes soiled or worn.

Tips for Using Castor Oil Packs

Do some research on what you want to use the castor oil for before you begin using it, and that should help you determine the length of time you might want to consider. Everybody is different and the time it takes you to reap the benefits of using a castor oil pack will depend on your body constitution. 

  1. Frequency: Castor oil packs can be used regularly as part of a holistic wellness routine. Some people prefer to use them daily, while others opt for a few times a week or as needed. It really depends on what your intention is when you start using them. 
  2. Duration: The duration of each castor oil pack session can vary depending on personal preference and the specific condition being treated. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration as desired.
  3. Cleanup: Castor oil can be quite sticky, so it's important to clean the skin thoroughly after each pack session to remove any residue. Use a gentle soap and warm water to cleanse the area and pat dry with a soft towel.

By incorporating castor oil packs into your self-care routine, you can harness the healing power of nature to support detoxification, reduce inflammation, and promote overall well-being. Whether used for digestive health, menstrual support, or joint pain relief, castor oil packs offer a safe, natural, and effective way to enhance your health and vitality from the inside out.

So, the next time you reach for a remedy, consider the humble castor oil the possibilities are endless, and the rewards, boundless. So, why wait? Embrace the healing powers of castor oil and unlock the secrets to a healthier, happier you.

Where to buy Castor Oil

RejuveNaturals Castor Oil (16oz Glass Bottle) USDA Certified Organic, 100% Pure, Cold Pressed, Hexane Free.

Castor Oil Pack Kits

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