Today has been a highly enlightening day, and what I learned is that it won't really matter what you do in this world. There will always be someone that doesn't like you, what you do, or what you say. It won't matter if you have somewhere to be, or if you have something to do, if it hinders on someones day that has no higher understanding to anything but themselves; and how you ruined their day, they will shit all over you just because. Your effort won't matter, your intentions won't matter and they won't hear a damn thing that you have to say, because they just won't care.
So, today I watched several of my group members comment negatively about a tag I made to help the group gain a little more activity. My intention is to refocus the content towards my original vision, that is I tagged everyone in a weekly topic to prompt learning from the community. Not that I don't actually know what i'm talking about and need help from others. I do this, like once a week, and tagged twice before for a reader to help them gain some traction in making an income for themselves for providing service to the group. How nice of me don't you think? Actually I received many responses telling me they were a scam before they actually got to know the person. How judgmental... Why did you ask for a reading if you thought it was a scam? Over 100 comments requesting FYI... As a result a handful of people openly got pissed off about being tagged and made comments after not actually being present in the group since they joined. Oddly it was cool to comment though and state how they felt instead of offering their insight on the topic at hand. Because we can stop that right?
I was then told that my group isn't encompassing the Green witch way, as if there was a true way to be a Green witch. Let's miss the point of trying to be helpful and spike conversation between people in order to get back to learning from others. Let's just attack the person who created the tag because its irritating to go into a group and look at a post, then point out the flaws of the group while not actually offering your insight on the topics. If you aren't interested in the group then why are you a part of it? Do you not want to take part in conversations, or do you just wish to cause drama? Maybe you just don't want to learn more or expand your current views and perceptions by conversing with others about yours and their personal practices.
Let's get back to the part about not actually encompassing what a Green witch is. What book tells you how that works exactly, and does that book state bi-laws that everyone must follow? When I think of green I think of the earth and there is a whole lot to that. From plants to animals, to elements and energy, and the last time I checked all the books written on the subject were written by people trying to teach other people what they though was best, what they learned, or they teach their own personal practices that they themselves created. Where did I miss the mark by not encompassing Green witchery? Maybe I don't have enough to plant posts... 😒
My conversation starters all revolve around shit you do as a witch and openly talk about things with the intention to bring out personal practices so others can learn in a community environment. What I realized is that people have a hard time talking about what they actually do in their craft and the actual act of creating topics that probe others to share on top of tagging the members just creates hostility. Maybe I should just share what I do like everyone else, so they can pick, prod, and judge me for it like I see in so many other places, instead of creating an environment based on learning through community. How am I missing the mark? No, I would rather question the practices and dive into the theory behind them in order to prompt others to think outside the box. You can't learn new shit if you don't take an active role in questioning what you read, see, hear, or experience.
You see, I'm a target for being misunderstood, and I actually don't really care. I have a lot of interests that teach me many different things and I have no problem freely questioning everything. I'm self taught through reading things like books written by people who have options about their personal experiences, and have been doing this for over 20 years. I even run a book club where I read books on the craft to learn more. Did you know that there isn't actually a thing called religion? No, of course not its actually called traditions and cultures where by a human came up with an philosophical idea on why shit is, then wrote that down, or passed it along to the next human who pondered the idea and either changed it, put a spin on it, or created a whole ass system to it; then passed that down to the next generations of humans. Each culture does its own thing, creates its own practices, and is built in the exact same manor under different theories. A theory isn't fact, it's an inference, and is something to be tested and challenged. That is how and why we have so many. Religion was formed as an institution to superimpose one culture/ tradition as supreme and law in order to suppress the others on the biases of control and power. Which is often overlooked by the way.
In my opinion, I think its acceptable to prompt sharing of culture and personal tradition to unmask the bullshit of a one way fits all attitude. I don't have to be you and you don't have to be me. I practice like me because it works for me, and nowhere in the grand scheme of shit did someone say I could not do that. That makes me no less a witch than someone else. What defines a witch? Someones supreme insight that tells me what qualifies? Well now that's just bullshit don't you think? I'm pretty sure if I spend time connecting to nature, and understanding how the universe works within my own philosophical understanding through educating myself, I qualify in my own right.
What ever happened to learning from others? Did this concept all but disappear to TikTok? Everyone is all over it there, but what I see on TikTok is readings after readings in the witch community, and no actual witchy talk to encourage learning. Just a new way to make money on services. I have seen a few people try to educate, but what's the problem with talking about it? I know! It causes a major conflict between people, because someone has to be rude, superior, or tell someone that they aren't doing shit right. Then they have names for them like baby witch, or they openly disrespect them when what they do; in this case say, doesn't fit what the other person thinks they should be doing. I have seen that over and over, and it's the major reason behind the rule about respect in my group.
Who the fuck are you to disrespect another persons culture, or tradition just because the book you live your life on says something different. Try reading a few more books from different cultures and gain perspective. Try questioning the stuff you read, and don't forget to source check the book in the first place. Do 20 different books say the same thing, or just one or two? I say this because I cannot tell you how many new age books on the market today sell you some bullshit claiming to know the culture they talk about or reference. If you don't believe me, go read Druid Power and get back to me. Let me know how King Arthur fits in with the druids. Also take note that the author is a psychology major and the whole book spends entirely too much time talking about visualization over actual druid practice. Maybe a book on visualization might be a better fit instead of using the druids for profit.
I mean do you really think at this point after all the killing for power that we would be dumb enough to allow that shit to happen again? Is learning and sharing not okay anymore? Or is the reality that magick, crafting, spell work, and connecting to source, is to taboo to get into the details and be raw enough to help another human by offering what you know, and questioning that in order to expand on whatever that is?
At this point, the tags are here to stay and I will continue to create topics that move others to think outside the box, and those who don't like it can leave. No one is stopping you or holding you hostage. As for encompassing the Green witch way, I think I do that just fine by asking the questions, living within the universe, practicing in my own right, and working on the group foundations. I am aware that I can't please everyone, and at this point in my life I have NO desire to, because I am content with myself and have enough courage to move through life how ever the fuck I want.
The group took a turn outside of my vision when I took the advise of others to appease their concerns, just to watch those same people sabotage and misunderstand my intentions to serve their own cause. This my friends will never happen again. If you want to learn something and grow in life you can't do it sitting in your comfort zone. Welcome to The Green Witches Corner.
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