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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Making A Tincture With Gylcerin

Method Two

Using glycerin for extraxction

Glycerin is used to make tinctures, when the person does not want to use alcohol. They can also be used in children, because we do not usually give out children alcohol. This method takes longer than extracting with alcohol and yields a more syrup like substance.

There are two ways to make a tincture using glycerin, you can either double boil the mixture for several hours, or you can store the mixture for a couple of months. This post covers how to do the storing method.

For this method you will need 
A mason Jar

Amber bottles

100% food grade glycerin

Your herbs of choice
Distilled water

Glycerin Mixture: When making a tincture with glycerin, you must dilute the glycerin with 50% water in order to extract the plant medicine. 
You will use equivalent ratios, meaning that if you use one ounce of glycerin mixture, you will use the same amount of plant material.

Once you have decide on how much you intend to make. Pour the glycerin in a measuring cup to half the amount you need. Allow to set a minute or two then add remaining amount you need with water.  Stir the mixture before you add it to your mason jar of herbs.

Once you have mixed your glycerin you can now add it to your mason jar.
Pour the mixture over the herb and cap.
Give it a little shake and store it in a cool dry place for around two months.
Shake the mason jar every so often during the time it is storing.
I found that the best tincture to make using this method is Elderberry.

Up next is how to make a glycerin tincture using heat.
Blessed be!

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