Blessed Thistle
Blessed Thistle is an herb that you can use for a few different things internally and externally for your health. Externally this herb used in a poultice, can be useful for wounds and ulcers. Internally the herb is often used for dyspeptic complaints, or heart burn. You can use this herb in the form of a tea, extract (tincture), poultice (externally), and other uses could be in tablets or powered herb in capsules. Each preparation is made differently and some are stronger than others.
For a tea you would use150 ml of boiling water, poured over 1 to 2 grams of dried herb. Allow the herb to steep between 5 to ten minutes. The tea can be taken 2 to 3 times a day.
The tincture is a 1:1 ratio for a strong dose, in my video I used a 1:6 ratio for a weaker herbal content. The tincture is left in a cool dry place for around two weeks.
A poultice can be made by using an infusion of the herb and soaking a cloth within the infusion, then placing the infused cloth over the affected area several times a day.
* This herb is not to be used while pregnant*
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