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Friday, July 20, 2012

New Update!

Starting tomorrow; 7/21/2012, I will be requiring users to create an account with my page and be required to log in, anyone who does not assume their legal information within the sign up process will not be admitted to use my blog for any reason. 
I am sorry for any inconvenience this may be to the people who enjoy reading my posts and benefit from the information I provide, but it has been brought to my attention that some people find the need to inflict harm on good people. With that in mind I will be closing my blog from the public eye regarding anything that I post, and you will have to become a member and log in to read what I have posted. 

I will not tolerate people who intend to use what I provide against me for any reason!

 My intentions here is to inform the public about the uses of herbs and how they can help your life become easier with less side effects. I have also stated that this is the field I am studding within a US collage. I am in no way at fault for anything I use or recommend and have always provided ample warning to what has been recommended to the public.
I want to note that I have the right to remove anyone who has become a member  to my blog on the soul basis of harassment.
Once again to those of you who enjoy reading my blog I am sorry that you now have another step to take to get great information to help better your health, I look forward to seeing my new members and continuing to help those of you who truly want the advice!
Blessed be

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Childhood Tooth Blues!

Today was not a fun day for my eight year old. Poor guy's tooth hurt! We don't know why it hurts but the wonderful city of Cruces doesn't actually have an emergency dentist on call to help our little guys when this goes wrong, so we are stuck dealing with his pain on our own, until the morning when we can get to a dentist. 
In today's world moms are programed to run for the Motrin or Tylenol to dose up there kids with hope to try and help their pain go away, and in my option if you don't have any other way to cure pain, that might help but only for a short while. 
What do you do when the pain comes back and you can't give them more meds? 

When your child has pain the last thing us as parents want to make our child do is deal with the pain because it hasn't been over four hours and we can't give them anymore, so we don't know what ells to do.
Now in our home we don't use over the counter meds of that kind due to the avdertse side effects they create in your stomach, and you can't use them more than once every 4 hours!
Encountering the tooth pain problem with my eight year old son and not being a family who usually keeps Tylenol on hand I had to be more creative. Being a mom who studies herbalism my main focus for treatments is herbs, so when my son started having the pain I ran to my research to see what I could find to help him, until the morning when we could ask a dentist why he has pain. I ran across some interesting ways to deal with tooth pain but didn't have the usual recommend fast healers like clove oil; which I will be making later and sharing with all of you, so I used an off approach and was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked.

Many people use peppermint to cure the headaches they get from time to time because it works extremely well in the form of a tea.

 Did you ever wonder why peppermint work so well with pain? Did you also know you could use it for many kinds of pain?

Peppermint acts as an anti-spasmodic, diaphoretic, digestive, antiseptic and slightly anesthetic in its properties, and depending on how you use it and what you use it for, peppermint can help in many ways.

Today we used it for my son's tooth pain because I did not have clover oil made to numb his tooth. How we used the peppermint in regard to his tooth pain was not in the form of a tea, but with the use of the tea bag.
Because peppermint has a slightly anesthetic nature to it you can take the tea bag moist, in either hot or cold water, roll it up, and place the bag between the teeth that are causing pain. The tea within the bag acts instantly on the gums that are inflamed and the pain will gently go away. The best part about using peppermint in this fashion is if the pain returns you can grab another tea bag and repeat the process. 
This is not meant to cure any underlying condition; especially regarding teeth, but if you can't get to the dentist and you need some relief for your kids until you can see a professional, this works great!
My son is back to himself and we are off to the dentist in the morning, but I'm sure its just his new molars growing in.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lessons In Karma

 Most times karma is very blunt and other times it sneaks up on you and you have no idea why "that" happen to you. I love how the universe seems to get a laugh out of paying us back for the small things that we over look while we do them, because we didn't think those actions were bad at the time we did them. 
My son recently had an encounter of this type that; though probably didn't feel so great to him, was one of those karma encounters the universe probably found amusing and adequate pay back for his actions. 
It all started on a summer day when the fly's were at a particular high for the area of New Mexico that we live and every time we opened the door another darn fly would bug on in and the cats weren't able to keep up on the prowl.
 Being that you are to harm none under our law; that includes the pesky flies however frustrating they might be, my oldest son decided to catch one. Which was talented at best because those bugs are hard to catch; instead of taking it out side and getting it out of the house, he decided that he would feed it to his cat but not before he rendered it unable to fly. 
I happened to catch what he was doing and went over and asked him what the heck he was doing? He told me that he caught a fly and was gonna give it to his cat. I asked him why he didn't just let the cat catch the fly himself? He told me that he thought it was fun to try and catch them. I told him that the cat could handle catching the flies on his own.
 When I looked at the fly he was trying to feed the cat, I realized it had no wings and asked my son where his wings went. He told me that he pulled them off. "Why would you pull off the wings" I asked. He responded with a priceless kid response, "because I didn't want it to fly away after I caught it for my cat". I told him that catching flies and letting them go outside was fine and explained that he basically tortured the fly by pulling out its wings because it needed those to fly and at least have a chance to survive another day uncaught. I asked him if pulling the wings off of a fly and trying to feed it to his cat was considered harming something. He responded that it was a bug and its shouldn't count. I told him that it counts and though it was a fly it's still alive and deserves a chance to stay that way. 
He then asked me why the cat could catch and kill the flies and he couldn't? I told him it was because its was part of the cats job to eat things to survive. I explained that if a cat didn't have a home where it was fed like at our house every day, then the cat would have to kill what it needed to eat and flies would be on that list. I told him we buy our food at the store, but if we didn't have a store then we would hunt but it's not OK to hunt for fun.
Of course the universe got a good look at how he handled the fly and decided that though mom talked about it with him he still needed to know exactly how that fly might have felt having its wings torn off, so he would think before he tried to do that again.
Later that day we all decided to go out to the park down the way from our house on our bikes for some fun and exercise. 
While we were at the park my son's were riding around the running path in the park over and over and my oldest decided to spin his head around and try to talk to his step dad while he was still riding his bike, but not looking where he was going. 
You can bet this is were the universe set its target for fly karma. 
Well while he was looking behind him he didn't notice that the iron fence that surrounded the park was a bit to close for him to avoid and when he turned his head back to see where he was heading, it was already to late and he smacked wheel first, right into that unforgiving fence and landed on the ground. Now he's totally ok, was a little banged up and the bike got most of the damage and the fence got a good gash chipped out of the paint but as soon as he got up and wiped off his tears he realized that he got what he did because of that fly he messed with earlier. 
I told him karma is always around and that he should be mindful of all living things so this doesn't happen again. Since then the flies still bug us all but he hasn't caught or tortured another fly.
I don't know how many people pay attention to how or why they received whatever karma they are dealing with but think about it, because it could be something very small and simple and easy to ovoid in the future. Remember don't think you won't pay for what you decide to do because karma always comes around to bite you when your not looking and will most likely show up when you don't want your life to be messed up. So when you do realize that karma is what your experiencing, try to link your actions that day and see where you might have created your universal pay back, apologies and don't do the same thing twice.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Spells, Rhyming, Create Your Own Power

Everyone wants spells, pre-written, or written them for them, either way everyone thinks that any spells are workable spells, but that's not the case. Writing a spell is meant to be very close to you, in your own words, and has to come directly from your heart. This is where you create your power for what you have written to be directed and fulfilled, and it can't be done any other way. It might be great to have some one write you a spell or to copy one down from a search you did on the Internet, but the reality is that any spell that you don't write yourself will most likely not work for you the way you expect it to work. The main reason for this is because the person who wrote that spell most likely wrote it for an entirely different reason than what you are trying to use it for. The spell the other person wrote could have also been written with different intentions behind it.
Spells require power and 100% of that power has to be provided by you the person who wants the spell, which means that you have to do the writing yourself. That doesn't mean that all those spells that other people wrote won't help you, because in any case you can use the spell as a base line for what you intend, but you would be required to change some of the sample's spell wording to suit yourself and provide the spell with your own power. The best spells are self written as a whole, which means that you can find a spell like what you are looking for, read it and then completely rewrite the spell in your own words with your own intentions behind it. You can do this as practice until you feel comfortable with how to write a spell.
Remember that spells are from your heart and have your longing and intentions within them so say what you mean. Most people often think when you write a spell it means the spell has to rhyme. Sometimes the words don't have to sound catchy, they just have to have a meaning to you, It's you speaking to the Gods, they understand what you mean even if what you say didn't have a jingle.

 Not all of your spells have to rhyme; yes often most do rhyme, this makes it much easier to remember what you write, but I believe that chants are best for rhyming because you want them to be short and rhythmic.

Rhyming can create problems when you want to write chants or spells because most times you can't figure out what the heck rhymes together! So what do you do? The Internet has wonderful resources for rhyming words and you can also look up words in a rhyming dictionary, I would use caution with rhyming words because if you don't know the meaning of a word that might rhyme with one you already have, then what you write might not speak what you intend, so be sure to know what your words mean when you write.

Remember that writing your own spells should be fun and not thought of as something that is hard to do. We all speak our minds on an every day basis, so remember that when you are writing, that you are just speaking your mind to the ones who guide you, ask them for what you need and thank them for what you receive!
Have a blessed day and have fun writing!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lady Bugs For Your Vegetables

I decided to start a vegetable garden a few weeks ago, I have had some fun and some trouble lol. I am growing tomatoes, cucumbers, and pumpkins! The pumpkins and cucumbers are hanging tight in the desert weather that we have here in New Mexico and my tomatoes are being stubborn, but I have to buy a microscope and check out what bugs are eating my plants!!! My dad said I should buy some ladybugs because they naturally get rid of most of the infestation and I still can't figure out just how he learned this. I looked it up after he told me they would help and sure enough all the information was right there! Dads they're great!

So with that in mind I wanted to share what I learned from my dad! He told me that you can buy ladybugs on the Internet, Amazon sells them in their adult stage at about 1500 ladybugs for about seven bucks!

Lady bugs are your natural defense against those pesky hard to see bugs and they are harmless!!  You can use them on all kinds of plants and they kill aphids, mealybugs, mites, scale insects, and thrips.

 My first question for my dad was how do you get a bug to stay on or in your garden and how would you use them? I mean buying 1500 lady bugs for a few plants is pretty excessive I would think. My dad had a good laugh and told me that to keep them dormant or asleep as my dad put it, you refrigerate them. WHAT! Bugs in my fridge! Yup he said, you keep them in the container they came in and only let out a few at a time, over time when you need them. I must admit I thought that was nuts but it makes sense now.

My next question was, well lady bugs fly, whats the point in buying lady bugs that are just gonna fly away? Of course my dad has answer's for everything! He told me to fill a spray bottle with a small solution of sugar water, release the lady bugs at night because they won't fly, and spray them with the sugar water. I thought about that for a minute and figured out why he would do that. The sugar water mix is sticky and when you spray the lady bugs with the solution it makes their wings sticky so then they have to clean them off! My dad says that the sugar water will give you a few extra days of them hanging around eating the bugs and laying eggs, while they clean the sugar off there wings so they can fly away.

Using sugar water will not harm your lady bugs, but it will help you keep them around a bit longer if you don't have any plants that attract lady bugs!

Well I'm off to go buy some lady bugs and try out my dad technique and maybe I can get rid of these pesky bugs!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Life, What It Is

Is what it takes to continue to go on in life. When things get in your way knock you down, maul over you, or rip out your heart, you decide how much the event takes from you or how much you allow someone to take from you.
Is complex and often an illusion of what you think you can not do in your life. In my option fears are worthless and should not be given energy because you are who you are and only you get in your way and only you allow those who hurt to hurt you in your life.
Allows you to be who you are and enjoy what life has given you. Be who you are and love everything that might be.
 Is worth everything, being true to yourself and true to others makes you what you become in life. This decides who you friend in your life and how you will be treated by those you have friended.
 Is what most forget to do. It's the for front for communication, without it then you aimlessly walk the earth assuming you know whats going on.

Paths of life take you in 100 different directions and you choose what choices to make and those 100 paths mutate to your choices and the bottom line is that your life is what you have decided it will be. If your running from your life or can't figure out why its not how you thought it might be, its because you didn't consider how the choices you made would effect you down the line. There is no grand design and karma is laied out by default based on how you made your choices, with every action there will be a reaction and that's life. How do you want yours to be? Are you making choices that make your karma good or bad? How do you treat others? Do you think about what you have done in life that has brought you the the present place you stand?

 Of all the things that stand out you have to completely trust the process, know that you will receive exactly what you put in and nothing will change that. People will test you and take from you because they feel cheating at life will somehow make there's better but this will only bring about more sorrow and lonelyness. Remain focased on what you want in life and do what you need to get where you plan to be, but don't forget the choices and the way you do this, because every action has a reaction and it could take you where you don't want to be.
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