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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Herb Treatments From The Kitchen

Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is feeling well on this Samhain eve.
Today I thought I would Invite you to try making a treatment or two, to get use to how your herbs work.
I don't know about you but when I first started trying out the herbal treatments, finding people who knew how to use them I found to be hard and every site I went though didn't tell me much on how to make it or just give me a recipe that I could try. I think its hard for people who are new to herbs to really get the hang of them without some kind of guide or know someone who has been at the practice for sometime. When I first started to follow Wicca I didn't know which path or part would fit me most and I kinda just learned as I went. When I moved into the area that I live now Wicca took on a deeper meaning to me and I found myself extremely interested in what nature could be used for and funny enough that is where I met the person I look up to when I can't figure up something.

I made this website to try to help where I can and so since finding a recipe for anything was not easy I will be posting up different actual remedies that you can try out and tell me how you think they worked for you.

Bust A Cold
  • 1 tsp Elder Berries
  • 1 tsp Peppermint
  • 1 tsp Mullein
  • 1 tsp Golden seal (or) Turmeric
  • 1 Cup of Water
Bring the one cup of water to a boil and remove from heat, add your herbs and steep 10 minutes. Strain out the herbs, Drink 1 to 2 cups per day up to 4 days

  • 1 to 2 tsp Mallow
  • 1/2 cup of Water (cold)
Add the 1 to 2 tsp of your herb to the 1/2 cup of water and let stand for 8 hours, warm to luke warm DO NOT boil or steep in boiling water.
Strain and drink.

Can't Sleep?
  • 1 tsp Penny royal
  • 1 cup Water
Bring the one cup of water to a boil and remove from heat, steep your herb for 10 minutes; Strain and drink.
Take 1 to 2 cups a day

To Clear Your Nose

To use the turmeric you open the container that you have it in and sniff the ground turmeric just enough so you know its in your nose; you may sneeze 6 or 7 times then blow your nose and repeat one more time, but wait a few minuets to blow your nose the second time.
blow your nose and breath can be as fast as 3 minutes.

Remember that with all the infusions you make, use natural honey as a sweetener if you can't handle them without it..

Give it a try and see how you do!

Bulk organic herbs, spices and essential oils. Sin

Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Time Herb User .... Worried, Confused..Just Not Sure

Good afternoon everyone!

Today I was on one of the groups that I frequent and responded to a post about herbs and how they can affect you,  This person is new to using herbs. The post made me think about how may other people might just have that same question so I though well I'll blog about it and hopefully some can find this useful!

So the post was about if herbs have side effects, allergic reactions, if the ER knows about herbs, and what  herbs can be harmful regarding drug interactions. Today I'm going to cover what I have learned in these areas and what you should have on hand when making medications for yourself or for your family.

The first thing you should get a hold of is a really good reference, that has a lot of herbs listed in it, one that has the names of each herb (or serveral names) and what each one of its properties are so you can learn what each herb can be used for. Some of these books have simple recipes in them but the more you learn about your herbs the better you can come up with new treatments, so having something to refer to is wise.

The next thing, that is a must for everyone who makes medications, is a journal or a notebook so you can write down what you mixed together and how much. Another very useful reason for the notebook is so that when you do complete a treatment you can keep track of how much is used and what side effect it may have, if you treat more than just yourself then keep the reactions of those you gave it to so you are aware of a general side effect for that herb treatment.

Once you have some information about some different herbs and how they can be used, start practicing!

Regarding side effects and interactions; anyone can be allergic to anything it depends on the person. So if you know you have common allergies to plants then I would recommend a scratch test to find out what you should not use but only if you know your have bad allergies. Most herbs don't have side effects or they are very mild but the ones that do have properties that may be harmful are clearly stated in your reference, and do be aware that some herbs that are harmless can still cause problems. Peppermint is one like that, its mostly harmless but should not be taken more than 2 times a day for up to a week or you could hurt your heart, another is thyme; we use this everyday in cooking but when in a medication if you use to much you can over simulate your thyroid. The reference can be very useful.

OK when it comes to drug interactions once again it depends on what you are taking, I am on a medication called Gabapentin its a nerve block and I use herbs for most other things instead of pills because of side effects but if your super worried or you just don't want to risk it you can call your local pharmacy and ask them what herbs would interact with what your currently taking and they will tell you, and you just avoid theses herbs, you can also look this up online.

With any Emergency room as long as you tell the doctor or aid what you have taken then the doctor or aid should know what those plant properties are and will be able to assist you if you need them.

With the study of herbs I recommend that if you are new to making your own treatments find people who have been at the practice for some time as an additional resource. Enjoy the plants that nature gives you and learn to recognize what plants you need in the wild and find a good herb dealer for the herbs you can't find near you!

 I hope that this clears up some questions and please once again feel free to comment add something or write me with questions.

~Blessed Be`

Kalyx Herbs, Foods & Spices!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My chosen path

Well, about ten years ago I found myself trying to find something without holes.  My family has holes, half truths, misdirections, and unhealthy behaveure; so I sat on a fence for quite some time waiting for something to speak to me what my needs were. I was in high school when I started to question everything they tell you not to in church, yea that stage..... Anyways, with holes in my family, not surprisingly came holes in their answers. I started to read about everything I couldn't get an answer for, I read everything from ESP books to Witchcraft books "it" was awesome but I didn't know what "it" was!!  I began to understand that "it" is Wicca. and I was totally amazed at how Wicca filled all of my holes!  It's been ten years and I still don't have any holes in my life and life has put me somewhere I don't have that family church judgement, where I can practice in peace. Wicca teaches you to trust yourself and see the unseen, the signs or warnings that may be placed in front of you to either ignore or take action.  I find it much easier to learn from what your shown and make wise choices, but ASK FOR THEM you don't always have your eyes open and you don't always know where to go or what to do when you get there! I have been to a lot of places and met alot of people and picked up piece's along the way of things that I don't know,  and I've settled in the study of herbs and how you can heal from them. I enjoy garden magic, I am able to use what nature provided to treat myself, my boyfriend, and my children and bring to me positive direction. I don't always use herbs in my magic but I enjoy helping others with ways they can use an herb or two to treat themselves. My reason for sharing treatments is because most things can be taken care of without a medical bill or a nasty side effect of a medication the doctor tells you is what you need, but those med's are made in a lab and each one may help with one  thing and then give you ten more problems you didn't need. The doctor  put me on a few kinds of pills and even gave me one that didn't work at all but I paid good money for it, and didn't get that money back for his mistake. The cycle of take one and deal with the side effect isn't fun and can be dangerous, so with that in mind Mother Nature didn't sit and make beautiful things for us to just look at, everything has its use and that's where I began my study. I have made many Tea's , drew up some baths, and treated my children, friends, and my family now. I enjoy what Nature and the wonderful things that she provides for us! I may not know everything and I have alot to learn and I am always interested in what you think!  I welcome you all to post comments, send me emails, tell me why you choose this path and what it means to you. I would love to hear from you and look forward to it!! 
~Blessed Be~

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rue and Lavender Ritual (transphermation)

Hi everyone! Today I thought about Adding a ritual instead of just a charm spell. I warn you with this rituals you will need to consult a good Astrological Calender before casting! I included a link to a pretty awesome software that will defiantly solve the calender problem, at the bottom of this article for you to look at.

The reason for consulting a calender is because you don't want to do this ritual when the moon is "void" or when Mercury is in retrograde, because these times will tend to make energy go wonky or "off". For this reason I sugested the Calender.
Well lets get started!
This ritual will take 7 days to complete
When your beginning any ritual you want to take a hard look at what situation your facing, for this ritual you would be concentrating on what negative thing in your life that you need transformed, and keep it firmly in mind.

Tools you will need
Fabric and ribbon the colors are of your choosing
White 7 day jar candle
Few springs of Rue ( don't handle pregnant!)
Handful of Lavender buds
Flat surface where your candle can remain burning for the 7 days
Lighter or Matches

So you will need to set up your jar candle in a safe place where it can remain burning.
Add the Lavender buds to the sachet as well as the spring of Rue. Tie the bag closed and hold it in the palm of your hands.
Take a moment and center and ground yourself, visualize the transforming powers of the Lavender and protective Rue swirling together out into the world to do its job!
Know that you can turn whatever negative energy you are facing into a very positive situation, and when you feel ready repeat this spell 3 times

" Rue and Lavender make a wonderful pair, as they bring protection and help clear the air, now transform this situation, and spin it away, bring good luck and positive change to all of my days"

Set the sachet aside and light the seven day candle and repeat.

"With power of herbs, this spell is begun, by the light of this candle, this spell is pun, I safely transform and change all negativity, for the good of all, as I will it, so mote it be!"

Allow the candle to burn in a safe place until it goes out on its own. Keep the sachet with you for the next 7 days or as long as it takes the candle to burn out and each night that the candle burns repeat. 

"Another day has passed, change is coming my way, now good luck, protection, and peace, come home to stay"

Once the candle has burned out return the herbs to nature, toss the candle jar, and wash your hands. Take a deep breath and go out side and face the Sun, tip your face up to the light. Take a moment to congratulate yourself on a job well done and close the ritual with this

"By the power of herbs, this magic was spun, I close this now in peace, bring harm to none!"

Well viewers add it to you book of shadows and try it out! Don't forget to comment and let me know how it went!!!
Happy Casting!!!!
Blessed Be!!

Our Moon, Astrological Calender software and Ebooks
<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

The unexplainable Store
<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>
The sculptor method
<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Problems with your teeth, No money to fix them, Oragel isn't enough?

Hi, Zuke I did tell everyone who had question that all they had to do is ask and I would do my best to try to give some advice on what to use and how to use it effectively to help with things just like this! So you say your tooth hurts, I'm assuming that Either you don't like oragel or its hasn't helped take away the pain. Your in luck!! I do have some ideas and ways you can treat yourself and hold you over until you can afford to see the dentist.

Now I'm not a dentist but there are a few herbs that are useful with tooth pain and tooth infection, and you can find these common herbs at your local bulk herb store or online and maybe in your local food stores as well. 

Well here it is there are two that i can think of off the top of my head one is called Myrrh and the other is Fragrant Valerian. before I tell you how you can use these in your body I would like to tell you what each of them can be used for OK and I have to stress that you follow the instructions completely and any warnings or limitations I will clearly state!

Myrrh:  Description: Is the aromatic, gummy substance exuded by certain trees and shrubs growing in east Africa and Arabia and can be found in an herb dealers stock
Uses: It can be used as an antiseptic, astringent, carminative, and the stomic. It also makes a wonderful gargle  and mouth wash for sores in the mouth, throat, sore teeth, and gums. It can also be used for coughs, asthma, and other chest problems. It can be taken internally for bad breath, loose teeth, and week gums, its a disinfectant, so it can also be used as a douch.

Fragrant Valerian:  Description: Is a perennial plant about 2 to 4 feet high, which has escaped form cultivation to inhibit roadsides and thickets from New England to Jersey and popular in Europe. Its has a yellow-brow rootstock and produces a hollow, angular, furrowed stem  with opposite, pinnate leaves which have from 7 to 25 lanceolate, sharply serrate leaflets. with either rose colored or reddish and some times white, flowers. Appearing between June to August But can also be bought at an herb dealer
Uses: Antispasmodic, calmative, hypnotic,nervine. Fragrant Valerian is useful for all sorts of nervous conditions, migraines, and insomnia. its also helpful for hysteria, neurasthenia, fatigue, and stomic cramps that cause vomiting.  USE CAUTION large doses or extended use may produce symptoms of poisoning. Take the tea twice a day for NO MORE THAN TWO TO THREE WEEKS AT A TIME. The tea can also be used as an enema for pinworms and externally as a wash for sores and pimples.

Ok now that you have some information on what I'm suggesting and your more than welcome to look this up if your not quite sure, I will not be offended, ok now the reason I suggested the Valerian is because it works great for pain and if your having problems with your teeth depending on wheather or not your tooth is really bad or just annoying (like if your tooth is broken and the nerve is exposed this would be helpful) Next I will offer you the instructions on how to use these ok.

Myrrh: You will need a mortar and pedestal or a grinder of some kind because this usually comes in resin form and it needs to be a fine powder to be used right.  What you will need to do is take a small resin ball from the bag you bought from the herb store (about a teaspoon grinded)  and grind this up and then pour it into an 8 ounce cup, boil water about a 1/4 cup. When boiling add the water to the grinded Myrrh and stir well for about 2 minutes, take in small mouth fulls and gargle for 30 seconds and spit the wash out and repeat until your 1/4 glass is gone. This can also be repeted several times a day but i would not go over 8 times in one day. The gargle will help to pull any infection you may or may not have in your tooth as well as help with tempery pain.

Fragrant Valerian: USE ONLY FRESH ROOT STOCK!!  This can be taken two ways in a tea. You may make an infusion by Steeping (soaking rootstock in boiled water immediately after its removed from heat, covered for about 10 minutes, strain) 1 tsp of rootstock in 1 pint of boiling water, TAKE COLD! 1 CUP over the course of the day or when your going to bed.
The other way you can use this is by COLD EXTRACT, to do this you would use 2tsp rootstock in one cup of water and let it stand for 24 HOURS  then strain the root out of the extract and take 1/2 cup to 1 cup when going to bed. I would recommend that if you decide to use this rout then you should take it when going to bed due to the drowsy effects of this herb. I have used this before and form my experiences this is highly effective and reduces pain in less than an hour and keeps pain a bay for quite some time even with only one use, the side effect is sleepiness and will probably creep up on you in about 30 minutes or less so don't take it and drive ok!

Well zuke I hope this information was helpful and if you do use this let me know how it helped you ok. To any one elts that has question ask away  I'm here to help!!

Its Tuesday!!!! Casting for the waxing moon!

Hi everyone! What a beautiful day it is.  I hope everyone is enjoying the Sun on this fine Tuesday!!!  Today I thought I would share some spells with you that would be great for a day like today!!!!  The moon tonight is a Waxing moon and I have four Spells that you can try out to see how they go!!!  Remember leave your comments if you try them, on how they turned out or if they turned out and anyone who has feed back on how we can make these spells better feel free to comment on how! Everyone opion is welcome!

Tuesday - Moon - Waxing

Bay Leaf-  To keep ghosts and negativity away

Tools Needed-
 Fire proof  dish like a Cauldron or Tarra-Cotta Saucer
One dried Bay Leaf
Lighter or matches

To begin, hold the Bay Leaf in your hand,  name the leaf for the problem your having, (example: this leaf represents etc...) once you have gave the leaf your problem place it into the Cauldron or Terra Cotta Saucer, and with your matches or lighter set the leaf aflame and repeat this charm as the leaf burns away.

" By the power of fire this leaf burns away, Spirits are banished, Trouble is removed today"

You may also do this spell on Sunday and Saturday

Bay Leaf For Courage

Tools you will need-
One Bay Leaf
Cauldron or Tarra-Cotta Saucer
Felt tip marker
Lighter or matches

Write your intentions on the Bay Leaf and place it in your Cauldron or Tarra-Cotta dish, light and repeat verse for good luck  while the leaf  burns.

" I write my wish on a Bay Leaf so green, send courage and protection quickly to me. As the leaf burns away, this spell is begun, by the powers of fire and the bright sun."

You may also practice this spell on Saturday and Sunday

Triple Goddess Warding Spell

Tools you will need-
Few tbs of Dill,  for protection
Few leaves of St. Johns wort to protect against enchantment
One three leaf clover
Tbs of Vervain for boost
6in of red fabric and 12 in of red, white, and black satin ribbons w/ triple moon symbol drawn on the fabric

Tuesday you use this for invoking courage and defense and on Saturday  for protection and banishing, also will work the best on a full moon.

Place all of your herbs in the center of your red fabric, gather the sides and use the ribbon  to tie the bundle closed don't forget to draw the triple moons on your sachet and knot the ribbons 3x and say,

"One knot each for the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, bless this protective charm that I've made on my own"

Hang the sachet in your home and say

" St. Johns wort, Vervain, Clover, and Dill, ward well my home, protect from ill will. Make this house a secure magical place, defend and protect us through time and space"

Visualize your front door having a bright light surrounding it.

Holly for Protection

Tools you will need
3 red, Pillar candles
Spring of berried Holly
Small slips of paper
Ink pen
Large plate
Cauldron or Terra-Cotta Saucer

Arrange your candles on the large plate and put the spring of Holly in the center on the plate, set your plate on a flat surface so you have no accidents. Then light your candles, take time to focus on what you need, and write it on the paper. Draw the symbol for Mars on the top of the paper, fold it and carefully drip a bit of melting wax on the paper to seal it. Then tuck the sealed slip of paper under one of the 3 candles that you have on your large plate and repeat this verse.

" A trio of scarlet candles burning so bright. Brings radiance and comfort on the darkest of nights. The sacred Holly protects, guards, and defends, all worries and troubles now come to an end. by the power of three times three, as I will it then so shall it be"

Let the candles burn out completely and once they have take your slip of paper place it in your cauldron or Terra-Cotta saucer and take it out side. Once outside burn the paper and wait a few minutes after it has been consumed, then scatter the ashes into the wind.

I have ran across these in my practice and I find them to be very useful,  my hopes is that they will be to you as well
I have also ran accross some other books that offer alot more secrets you may not know about !
They are called Witchcraft Exposed, and Underground Witchcraft Secrets I will past the links to this post so you can have a look and see what they are offering!!

Witchcraft Exposed!!!

<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

Witchcraft Secrets!!!

<a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

Happy Casting!!

When do I cast my spells?

I ran in to this problem when I first started to experiment with different spells, Some went funny some didn't even work!!! That is the most frustrating, I spent some time doing some looking into what I was doing wrong and found that with every spell you have a time, day, or moon phase that must be followed in order to achieve maximum result. So for all of you that are having a problem or are completely new, I am including some do's and don'ts to help you aline your spells to get what you want out of them!

Moon Phases

Waxing- (moon looks as though its getting bigger) Brings things toward you, so spells for good health and prosperity would be good when the moon is getting larger.
Waning-(the moon looks like its srinking) Pushes things away from you, for instance negitivity.
New Moon-(begins the last day of the dark moon) Is great for new beginings, birth, growth, or maybe a fresh start.
Full Moon-(compleatly round and usaly diffrent in color) feeds any spell with extra power or for specific spells that call for the moon to be full.
Dark Moon-(the moon is not visable to you) Use causion and will require planning and some wisdom, but with good judgement you can use it to remove ghost,protect your property,and stalkers.

Now that you have that, I can break it down it into days of the week so you can aline what your trying to achive.

Sunday- (planet is the Sun) You can cast for sucess,realizing goals, confidence, wealth,and fame
Monday- (planet is the Moon) You can cast for Goddess magic, womens mysteries,emotions,instincts, and intuition.
Tuesday- (planet is Mars) You can cast for Problem solving, courage, passion, and vitality.
Wednesday- (planet is Mercury) You can cast for communication,cleverness,creativity, and to improve your luck.
Thursday- (planet is Jupiter) You can cast for prosperity, expansion, moving up, healing, and health.
Friday- (planet is Venus) You can cast for love, luxury, pleasure, and entertainment.
Saterday- (planet is Saturn) You can cast for protection, banishings, and bindings.

That covers the phases and the days of the week for casting, so when you want to bring things toward you like love or money you would do that on the day and moon pase that would net you what you desire!

What your intentions are, is positive and does it consider peoples free will. Just remember the rules of magic. HARM NONE and what you put out will come back to you 3 full.

I really hope this helps for the new commers or the fustrated looking for help. I also ran accross a very usefull tool to make following the moon easy! Check it out!!

Happy Casting!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The doctor didn't tell me this!!!!

I'm not sure how many people out there know about magic, herbs, and spells or how to use them effectively. I started this blog in hopes that I may be able to help some people along the way. I don't know about you but I'm not fond of the way doctors are handing out drugs left and right, even if they don't know what you have! I had a doctor one time write me a script for an antibiotic for a "kidney infection" without knowing if the drug would actually kill that infection, don't you know that the hospital called me after I payed for the script just to tell me that the script they wrote me wouldn't be affective in killing it!!!!! Hello give me my money back!! So I find that its cheaper and more effective to use what nature gave us! I have found hundreds of ways to avoid the doctor! Now I'm not here to tell you to stop going to the doctor because they are useful in other ways, but for things like colds and pain and your common things you would rather not pay someone to tell you that you have because you already know you have them, that's where nature can be your best friend!!!
For instance, the common cold, you can make a tea with Elder Berries, Peppermint, Mullein, and Golden seal and drink a cup or two a day for just a couple of days and knock your cold out faster than any over the counter cold remedy. Who would have thought, right?
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